Section: New Results

Highlights of the Year

Microscopic action affects mesoscopic and macroscopic action in neural systems. In the context of general anaesthesia, it is not understood how single neuron properties, such as ion-channel conductivities or anesthestic action on neuron receptors, translate to population dynamics and consequently to behavior. The work of Laure Buhry and Axel Hutt [4] proposes a modelling approach how to bridge the microscopic and the mesoscopic scale. The most interesting aspect is that this model bridge allows to extend standard neural field theory on the mesoscopic scale instead of introducing a new model.

In addition, we have developed strong collaborations with medical doctors. First, we have established a collaboration with Dr. Denis Schmartz and Dr. Claude Meistelmann at the CHU Nancy to plan and perform well-controlled resting state experiments under propofol anaesthesia. Second, we are in close contact to Jean-Luc Schaff at the CHU Nancy (together with Laurent Koessler at CRAN) in the context of sleep monitoring. Dr. Schaff has provided us polysomnographic data measured during sleep of insomnia patients.